

Finnish Moto Guzzi Owners Club since 1982

Gruppo MOTO GUZZI Finlandia (GMGF) was founded in 1982 by a small group of enthusiastics who wanted to keep the spirit of “L’Aquila” flying high also in Finland. The club is called simply “Gruppo” amongst the members and is an officially registered association since 2006. All MOTO GUZZI motorcycle owner can join the club. In 2018 the club counted over 560 members.



The activities of the Gruppo include


-    publishing a membership bulletin called “Il Falcone” twice a year
-    arranging rallies and meetings
-    give members a forum to meet informally to discuss and exchange experiences regarding the different aspects 
     of (Italian) motorcycling
-    and of course - having a good time in a good company



Administrative board of the Gruppo MOTO GUZZI Finlandia


Keijo Minkkinen
tel. +358 40 5334 757
e-mail: kmkeikka57gmail.com


Jorma Reponen
Vice President
tel. +358 50 4295 234
e-mail: k.jorma.reponengmail.com


Petri Viitamäki
tel. +358 50 5166 716
e-mail: petri.viitamakisapagroup.com


Pekka Karjalainen
PR-officer / Treasurer
tel. +358 40 547 5568
e-mail: pekka.karjalainen620gmail.com


Kaj Ekblad
Member secretary
tel. +358 45 8430 444
e-mail: kkekbladgmail.com